Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Saint Patrick's Day in Savannah 2019

Saint Patrick's Day in Savannah, Georgia 2019

St. Patrick's Day Weekend 2019 was another great trip. I am sitting at the Savannah Airport waiting on my flight back to Pensacola so I figured I'd start recounting the trip. I flew up early this time because airfare was a lot cheaper flying in on Wednesday rather than Friday and Derek, Jessica and Nancy had room for me at their place.

My flight's boarding. Be back in a minute...

I'm just now getting back to writing about this trip for St. Patrick's Day, like two weeks later. Whew, time flies!

I worked from Derek, Jessica and Nancy's house all day Thursday and Friday. Thursday late afternoon, I went with everyone to Oliver's tee-ball practice. He's only three years old so much of the time is spent playing in the red dirt. One little guy spent most of his time rolling in the red dirt, but it was a great way to spend the afternoon and then we all had pizza for dinner at a restaurant on Beaufort's waterfront. Great weather for it.

Friday, I worked from home again and helped Derek put together a new tent he had just ordered - big enough for 12 people. Its huge! It took us a little more time than the Instant Assembly of 2-minutes or less, but we got it done and will beat the assembly time going forward.

Friday was also the big dinner night for all of us at the Mansion on Forsyth Park in Savannah. There were twelve of us (enough to fill the new tent) and we all filled up a large dining table in a semi-private dining room. The restaurant was not too full so our loud crowd did not cause too much of a commotion. The food and the service were impeccable. I recommend this place to anyone in Savannah.

Here is the Mansion on Forsyth's Park video on YouTube. The restaurant's name is 700 Drayton.

One of the couples got into an argument after dinner. It got so bad that Derek, Nancy and Jessica had to leave to take them home. I stayed around Savannah with Michael, Marlowe and CJ. We had a great time and almost found Michael a wife. I tried. I really did. I even gave him beads for him to give to her. She left early though. Her loss.

Saturday was our big party day. Derek rented a full-sized party van for 14 people and we pretty much filled it up. I will never volunteer to sit in the front passenger seat and be DJ again. We got to Savannah just after the parade so the traffic was mainly leaving Savannah at that point and found a great parking spot in front of a wine bar. We had a great time on the balconies at the Hyatt and then Marlowe had a great street party going on outside of his townhouse... of course, when we got there, there was zero evidence of a street party. To Marlowe's credit though, I did see a facebook video later of the party that had just cleared out by the time we got there. None the less, by the time we got there, there was nothing going on - not even food. Luckily, there was a restaurant/bar right across the intersection from Marlowe's place so we all ate and drank there for a bit before venturing back out into St. Patrick's Eve Savannah.

It was a great time seeing old friends and making new friends. Let's do it again next year!

Two pics from putting up the BIG TENT behind the house:

Getting ready for Friday night dinner:

Friday night dinner:

After Friday Night Dinner:

Saturday St. Patrick's Eve Trip to Savannah:

Saturday SAVANNAH!

Food and Drinks across the street from Marlowe's

Marlowe's townhouse is in the background.

Ending Saturday Night in Savannah:

This was from earlier Saturday at the Hyatt:

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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